Monday, 7 May 2012

A whirlwind situation

My laptop was almost in the state of 'gone forever' sad. And that's one main reason why I stop blogging and there are also so many other reasons as well. My life.........and people around me...... hmmmmm. The stress of life juz got into me somehow and whenever I feel like writing, the only story that comes into mind is either a sad story or a troublesome story. huh..... pathetic it may sound! in the end i resort to facebook to fill-up my 'social-cyber' life. ahahaha.... . facebook also have a different story. isn't facebook meant for 'social' networking......NOT official networking????
 I'm the one who doesn't mind accepting anybody who requested to be enlisted 'fb friends' but in a moment-of-truth, among those are my bosses (immediate, big bosses......the one at the top!!!!). ish! ish! ish! just few weeks ago I 'rejected' one of the boss...bahaya weh! I tengah layan blog pasal jamu-dlm-pantang pun, boleh 'ter' appear kat wall dia. and he mention it to a colleague of mine. tq la kawan sebab bagitahu, terus I delete boss kita sorang tu. malu wei!!!! i use fb to fill-up my social life, and I don't want certain 'serious' people start to form any perception towards me and afterward might jeopardize my work performance (ye ke? ntah. selama ni tak pernah kisah pon...kui kui kui).
Today already my 14 days of confinement, done pumping session for my babies and hopefully manage to wake-up around 3-4 a.m. for another round of pumping. Should get a good nite sleep now. Bismikallahummaahyawaamuuut.............

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Koleksi Novel Saya

  • 5 Tahun 5 Bulan - Hlovate
  • Air Mata Kasih - Norhayati Berahim
  • Aku Milikmu - Aleya Anessa
  • Bayangan Rindu - Anis Ayuni
  • Bicara Hati - Damya Hanna

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